This is just a simple infinite scroller I made. The game goes on forever so play it as many times as you like! The inspiration for this game comes from the HTML Helicopter Game and games like Flappy Bird.

Rules: The KEYS you will be using are either the spacebar or the left mouse button. Pressing one of these keys will make the fish swim upward, pressing them multiple times will make the fish swim further up. 

Objective: Dodge and pass the "Coral Reefs" and swim for as long as you can! The long you swim, the higher your score will go. You can also find pieces of food floating around, eat them to gain an extra 5 points! The "Coral Reefs" will move closer and closer together, relative to your score. 

If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below! Thank you for viewing my project!

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